This component is a wrapper around Vanilla Calendar. We have simplified its API to make it act as a readonly calendar for easily displaying events.
If you need an input for date selection stick with DateTime or DatePicker
<head> ... {{-- Vanilla Calendar --}} <script src=""></script> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"></head>
In the following examples we use dynamic dates to keep this example udpated to current month. Remember to configure Tailwind safelist when working with dynamic CSS classes.
Single month
@php $events = [ [ 'label' => 'Day off', 'description' => 'Playing <u>tennis.</u>', 'css' => '!bg-amber-200', 'date' => now()->startOfMonth()->addDays(3), ], [ 'label' => 'Event at same day', 'description' => 'Hey there!', 'css' => '!bg-amber-200', 'date' => now()->startOfMonth()->addDays(3), ], [ 'label' => 'Laracon', 'description' => 'Let`s go!', 'css' => '!bg-blue-200', 'range' => [ now()->startOfMonth()->addDays(13), now()->startOfMonth()->addDays(15) ] ], ];@endphp <x-calendar :events="$events" /> {{-- Shortcuts config to `locale`, `sunday-start` and weekend-highlight --}}<x-calendar locale="pt-BR" weekend-highlight sunday-start />
Multiple months
@php $events = [ [ 'label' => 'Business Travel', 'description' => 'Series A founding', 'css' => '!bg-red-200', 'range' => [ now()->startOfMonth()->addDays(12), now()->startOfMonth()->addDays(19) ] ], ];@endphp <x-calendar :events="$events" months="3" />