List Item
By default, this will look up for:
as the main value.$object->avatar
as the picture url.
@php $users = App\Models\User::take(3)->get();@endphp @foreach($users as $user) <x-list-item :item="$user" link="/docs/installation" />@endforeach
Slots and other attributes
You can override all slots. It also supports nested properties.
East Gregorytown
top user
Custom value
Custom sub-value
@php $user1 = App\Models\User::inRandomOrder()->first(); $user2 = App\Models\User::inRandomOrder()->first();@endphp {{-- Notice ``. It supports nested properties --}}<x-list-item :item="$user1" value="other_name" sub-value="" avatar="other_avatar" /> {{-- All slots --}}<x-list-item :item="$user2" no-separator no-hover> <x-slot:avatar> <x-badge value="top user" class="badge-primary" /> </x-slot:avatar> <x-slot:value> Custom value </x-slot:value> <x-slot:sub-value> Custom sub-value </x-slot:sub-value> <x-slot:actions> <x-button icon="o-trash" class="text-red-500" wire:click="delete(1)" spinner /> </x-slot:actions></x-list-item>