Rich Text Editor
This component is a wrapper around TinyMCE. It automatically uploads images and files to local or S3 disks.
Create an account on TinyMCE site and replace YOUR-KEY-HERE
on url bellow.
If you don't want to rely on cloud setup, just download TinyMCE SDK and self-host the source code.
Also remember to add your local and production addresses on the allowed domains list.
<head> ... {{-- Make sure you have this --}} <meta name="csrf-token" content="{{ csrf_token() }}"> {{-- TinyMCE --}} <script src="" referrerpolicy="origin"></script></head>
If you are using the local disk remember to run this.
php artisan storage:link
For security reasons, images and files uploads only works for authenticated users. On all examples we already have a random user logged in.
@php $text = $this->text; @endphp <x-editor wire:model="text" label="Description" hint="The full product description" />
Upload settings
By default, this component automatically uploads images and files to local public disk into "editor/" folder. You can change it like this.
<x-editor ... disk="s3" folder="super/cool/images" />
You can add or override any setting provided by TinyMCE. Check its docs for more.
@php $config = [ 'plugins' => 'autoresize', 'min_height' => 150, 'max_height' => 250, 'statusbar' => false, 'toolbar' => 'undo redo | quickimage quicktable', 'quickbars_selection_toolbar' => 'bold italic link', ];@endphp <x-editor wire:model="text2" :config="$config" />