Livewire Volt extension for VSCode. Voltage →


You can play around by placing daisyUI/Tailwind classes on components or slots, from the examples below. Also, try to entirely remove some components or slots.

You are free to make your own layout decision. But here is a suggestion to quickly get started. The default Livewire app template lives in views/components/layouts/app.blade.php.

If you have used the automatic installer in a brand-new project without Jetstream/Breeze you already have the "Only sidebar" layout in place.

Only sidebar

This layout has only a collapsible Sidebar. It fits nicely for an "enterprise layout", which needs more vertical spacing.

{{-- Add this --}}
@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])
<body class="min-h-screen font-sans antialiased bg-base-200/50 dark:bg-base-200">
{{-- NAVBAR mobile only --}}
<x-nav sticky class="lg:hidden">
<div class="ml-5 pt-5">App</div>
<label for="main-drawer" class="lg:hidden mr-3">
<x-icon name="o-bars-3" class="cursor-pointer" />
{{-- MAIN --}}
<x-main full-width>
{{-- SIDEBAR --}}
<x-slot:sidebar drawer="main-drawer" collapsible class="bg-base-100 lg:bg-inherit">
{{-- BRAND --}}
<div class="ml-5 pt-5">App</div>
{{-- MENU --}}
<x-menu activate-by-route>
{{-- User --}}
@if($user = auth()->user())
<x-menu-separator />
<x-list-item :item="$user" value="name" sub-value="email" no-separator no-hover class="-mx-2 !-my-2 rounded">
<x-button icon="o-power" class="btn-circle btn-ghost btn-xs" tooltip-left="logoff" no-wire-navigate link="/logout" />
<x-menu-separator />
<x-menu-item title="Hello" icon="o-sparkles" link="/" />
<x-menu-sub title="Settings" icon="o-cog-6-tooth">
<x-menu-item title="Wifi" icon="o-wifi" link="####" />
<x-menu-item title="Archives" icon="o-archive-box" link="####" />
{{-- The `$slot` goes here --}}
{{ $slot }}
{{-- Toast --}}
<x-toast />

With Navbar

{{-- Add this --}}
@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/js/app.js'])
<body class="font-sans antialiased">
{{-- The navbar with `sticky` and `full-width` --}}
<x-nav sticky full-width>
{{-- Drawer toggle for "main-drawer" --}}
<label for="main-drawer" class="lg:hidden mr-3">
<x-icon name="o-bars-3" class="cursor-pointer" />
{{-- Brand --}}
{{-- Right side actions --}}
<x-button label="Messages" icon="o-envelope" link="###" class="btn-ghost btn-sm" responsive />
<x-button label="Notifications" icon="o-bell" link="###" class="btn-ghost btn-sm" responsive />
{{-- The main content with `full-width` --}}
<x-main with-nav full-width>
{{-- This is a sidebar that works also as a drawer on small screens --}}
{{-- Notice the `main-drawer` reference here --}}
<x-slot:sidebar drawer="main-drawer" collapsible class="bg-base-200">
{{-- User --}}
@if($user = auth()->user())
<x-list-item :item="$user" value="name" sub-value="email" no-separator no-hover class="pt-2">
<x-button icon="o-power" class="btn-circle btn-ghost btn-xs" tooltip-left="logoff" no-wire-navigate link="/logout" />
<x-menu-separator />
{{-- Activates the menu item when a route matches the `link` property --}}
<x-menu activate-by-route>
<x-menu-item title="Home" icon="o-home" link="###" />
<x-menu-item title="Messages" icon="o-envelope" link="###" />
<x-menu-sub title="Settings" icon="o-cog-6-tooth">
<x-menu-item title="Wifi" icon="o-wifi" link="####" />
<x-menu-item title="Archives" icon="o-archive-box" link="####" />
{{-- The `$slot` goes here --}}
{{ $slot }}
{{-- TOAST area --}}
<x-toast />
