Range Slider
Range slider is used to select a value by sliding a handle.
The following examples uses `.live` to make sure you see the changes.
Greater than 10.
Selected: 0
@php $level = $this->level; @endphp <x-range wire:model.live.debounce="level" label="Select a level" hint="Greater than 10." /><hr class="my-5" /> <x-badge value="Selected: {{ $level }}" class="badge-neutral" />
#[Rule('required|gt:10')]public int $level = 10;
Step & Range
You can also set the range limits with min
and max
attributes. Use the step
attribute to control the increased value when sliding.
Greater than 30.
Selected: 30
@php $level2 = $this->level2; @endphp <x-range wire:model.live.debounce="level2" min="20" max="80" step="10" label="Select a level" hint="Greater than 30." class="range-accent" /><hr class="my-5" /> <x-badge value="Selected: {{ $level2 }}" class="badge-accent" />
#[Rule('required|gt:30')]public int $level2 = 30;